Sunday, April 06, 2008

Shaved Dark Chocolate and Mint Ice Cream

I was headed out to Richmond a couple weeks ago with Eugene and a couple friends. We were all going to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate the coming of spring, and the end of king crab season, with a king crab feast. Along the way Mark needed to run into Ikea for a new shower curtain, and we decided to toast his purchase with frozen yogurt cones. However, Ikea was fresh out of frozen yogurt.
Ok, nobody else at dinner that night had any idea we did this before dinner, and I realize it's not right to eat desert first but we're all adults here..... and we just wanted some ice cream!!
So... next stop was McDonalds (GASP!) to fulfill our need for cream. Mark and Ivan ordered vanilla cones and Eugene and I decided on sharing a small shamrock shake. MMMMM, I haven't had one of those for years!
It was so good that I thought that my next creation would be a minty ice cream.

For this recipe, I shaved a Lindt dark chocolate bunny I picked up post Easter on sale. Yummm.

Oh, right. Just for the record, Ivan also ordered cinnamon buns that the three of them ate.... minutes before eating a huge king crab dinner! (Not that I wouldn't do the same thing on the right day. hehehe)


2C Half&Half
1C Heavy Cream
1 1/4C Sugar
2 Eggs
8-10 Mint leaves
1 Lindt Easter bunny

*Add chopped Mint leaves to Half&Half and Heavy Cream and
*whisk Eggs and Sugar until ribbons form
*temper two mixtures together
*On med heat bring up to 170deg then chill overnight
*Shave the bunny
*Strain off the cream mixture and add in Chocolate
*Churn in Ice cream machine for 20-30 min.
*eat, eat, eat.