Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Ginger Cookie with Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich

I've been wanting to make these for such a long time, and I'm really happy with the final product. I made my usual simple Vanilla Ice Cream for the filling, and came up with a spicy Ginger Cookie for the Sandwich outside. These cookies by themselves would be terrific at Christmas for eating, or as the foundation for a Ginger Bread House. I will list the baking times that worked for a different firmness of the cookie.


Ginger Cookie

1" Fresh Ginger
3 1/2C Flour
3/4tsp Baking Soda
1/2tsp Salt
1Tbsp Ground Ginger
2tsp Ground Cinnamon
2tsp Ground Allspice
1tsp Ground Pepper
1C Butter
1C Sugar
2/3C Molasses

* puree fresh ginger w/ 2Tbsp water, and strain off pulp(saving liquid)
*sift drys together
*cream butter and sugar. add molasses and ginger water
*gradually add dry mix into wet mix
*chill for an hour
*roll out to 1/4" thick and cut to desired shape

Bake at 350 for 10min for soft(ice cream sandwich)
15 slightly chewy
18-20 crunchy

*you may want to try running some off to find out what time is right for you

Ice Cream

9oz Sugar
8 Egg Yolks
3C Half and Half
1 Vanilla Bean
1c Heavy Cream

*scrape and add vanilla bean to cream and H&H, and scald on med heat
*whisk egg yolks and sugar until ribbons form
*temper two mixtures together
*return to heat until temp reaches 170
*chill over night
*churn and freeze